Building bridges to the future ...

... since 1669! Founded over 350 years ago, the University of Innsbruck today is the most important research and educational institution in western Austria, offering a wide range of programmes across all disciplines. Located in the heart of the Alps, it offers 28,000 students and 5,500 employees the best conditions.


Study programmes
The University of Innsbruck offers more than 160 degree programmes which can be supplemented with practical elective packages.

Counselling services
Various contact points are happy to help pupils, prospective students and students.

10 reasons to study at the University of Innsbruck
There are many good reasons to study at the University of Innsbruck. Innsbruck also has a lot to offer.



Tommaso Faleo stands at a laboratory bench and adjusts the apparatus

Experimental Physics

A new type of col­lec­tive inter­fer­ence effect

A team led by Robert Keil and Tommaso Faleo from the Department of Experimental Physics has investigated the relationship between entanglement and interference in quantum systems of more than two particles in the laboratory. Together with researchers from the University of Freiburg, Germany, and Heriot-Watt University, UK, they gained new insights into the behavior of multi-particle quantum systems. In the interview, Tommaso Faleo explains how interference patterns of more than two photons can be interpreted.


Higher Returns When Ask­ing for Units of Relief Sup­plies Rather Than Money

Small changes in how potential donors are approached can achieve significantly higher donation returns than traditional requests for monetary donations. This is the result of an online study conducted by behavioral economists from the universities of Heidelberg, Innsbruck, and Kassel. In the study, potential donors were asked if they wanted to donate relief supplies at a specified unit price and, if so, how many. Using this approach can significantly boost donation income, provided the unit is chosen right.


Super­com­puter and quan­tum com­puter in har­mony

Wor­king toge­ther, the Uni­ver­sity of Inns­bruck and the spin-off AQT have inte­grated a quant­um com­puter into a high-per­for­mance com­puting (HPC) environ­ment for the first time in Austria. This hyb­rid infra­struc­ture of super­com­puter and quan­tum com­puter can now be used to solve com­plex prob­lems in various fields such as chemistry, mate­rials science or optimi­zation.

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Woman holding a glass ball

20. Sep.

Top Event

Eintauchen in die Welt der Quanten

Open Day: The Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is celebrating its 20th anniversary and represents two decades of cutting-edge international research in the field of quantum physics. To mark the occasion, the research institute in Innsbruck is opening its doors and offering anyone interested the opportunity to get a taste of the fascinating world of quanta - for curious primary school pupils as well as young explorers and interested adults.


Mountain Regions

We collect knowledge for the development of habitats and natural areas in mountains worldwide.


We drive forward biomolecular and biomedical developments.

Digital Science

We are driving digitalisation in research.

Materials and nanosciences

We utilise the synergies between physics, chemistry, earth sciences, pharmaceutics and civil engineering.


We ask questions about cultural dynamics and transformations.


We explore the workings of nature - from elementary particles to galaxies.

Scientific Computing

We contribute to solving complex, data-intensive problems in all scientific fields.

Economy, Politics & Society

Together, we get to the bottom of the big questions facing society across disciplinary boundaries.

Gender Studies

We research, theorize and deconstruct gender and gender relations.

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